
DPIIT- Start Up India Registration

DPIIT- Start Up India Registration application* at an all-inclusive price

Complete By* : 31 Mar, 2025

Pricing Summary

Traditional CA/CS Price : ₹ 12,500 /-

Other Online Price : ₹ 10,000 /-

Our Base Price : ₹4,000 /-

Govt. fees & taxes : ₹720 /-

You Pay: 4,720/- all inclusive

Government Fee included in above

You Save : ₹5,280/- to- 7,780 /-

What do you get?

15 Mins free Consultation with an EXPERT

Filling and filing of Application

Submission of any clarifications/ resubmissions required

Why Should You Choose SeedUp for


in cost, most economical


completion of assignment


to compliances, giving you all that matters


towards your specific requirements


we only ask for required documents

Start-up India

Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to catalyze startup culture and build a strong and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in India. The Startup India Action Plan was launched on 16th January, 2016 with the objective of supporting entrepreneurs, building up a robust startup ecosystem and transforming India into a country of job creators instead of job seekers. DPIIT acts as the nodal Department for coordinating the efforts of all central governmental departments and state governments in carrying this plan forward.


DPIIT Recognition

Under the Startup India initiative, eligible companies can get recognised as Startups by DPIIT, in order to access a host of tax benefits, easier compliance, IPR fast-tracking & more. Learn more about eligibility and benefits below.


Documents Required

Incorporation Certificate

Pan Card of the entity

MOA & AOA in case of company and Partnership deed in case of LLP / Partnership Firm

List of Directors or Designated partners or members along with their photographs and contact details

URL link of a website and social profile of the entity

* (All documents in Pdf scanned. Image file in jpeg format)

* (All documents to be Self Attested and signed on each page)


DPIIT- Start Up India Registration

get recognised as Startups by DPIIT, in order to access a host of tax benefits

Steps for Registration

Collect information and documents

Create login Credentials of the client with user name and Email ID

Fill the DPIIT form

Write ups on Final Product/Service/Trade

Submit the form

Reply to any queries

Eligibility Criteria for

DPIIT Registration (Register as a Startup)

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) was established in the year 1995 and was reconstituted in the year 2000 with the merger of the Department of Industrial Development. Earlier, separate Ministries of Small Scale Industries & Agro and Rural Industries (SI &A& RI) and Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (HI&PE) were created in October, 1999. The department was earlier called Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion and was renamed as DPIIT in January, 2019. In 2018, matters related to e-commerce were transferred to the Department and in 2019, the Department has been given charge for matters related to Internal Trade, welfare of traders and their employees and Startups. The role of DPIIT is to promote/accelerate industrial development of the country by facilitating investment in new and upcoming technology, foreign direct investment and support balanced development of industries.

Company Age & Type

Period of existence and operations should not be exceeding 10 years from the Date of Incorporation Incorporated as a Private Limited Company, a Registered Partnership Firm or a Limited Liability Partnership

Annual Turnover

Should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its Incorporation

Original Entity

Entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already existing business

Innovative & Scalable

Should work towards development or improvement of a product, process or service and/or have scalable business model with high potential for creation of wealth & employment

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) was established in the year 1995 and was reconstituted in the year 2000 with the merger of the Department of Industrial Development. Earlier, separate Ministries of Small Scale Industries & Agro and Rural Industries (SI &A& RI) and Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (HI&PE) were created in October, 1999. The department was earlier called Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion and was renamed as DPIIT in January, 2019.


In 2018, matters related to e-commerce were transferred to the Department and in 2019, the Department has been given charge for matters related to Internal Trade, welfare of traders and their employees and Startups. The role of DPIIT is to promote/accelerate industrial development of the country by facilitating investment in new and upcoming technology, foreign direct investment and support balanced development of industries.


Eligibility Criteria for Startup Recognition:

  • The Startup should be incorporated as a private limited company or registered as a partnership firm or a limited liability partnership
  • Turnover should be less than INR 100 Crores in any of the previous financial years
  • An entity shall be considered as a startup up to 10 years from the date of its incorporation
  • The Startup should be working towards innovation/ improvement of existing products, services and processes and should have the potential to generate employment/ create wealth. 

Exclusion: An entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a "Startup"


Allocation of Business to DPIIT

According to the Allocation of Business (AOB) Rules, as updated, DPIIT is responsible for determining the Industrial Policy at Central Government level, including the following matters:

  • Productivity in Indian industry
  • Industrial Management
  • Matters related to e-Commerce and start-ups
  • Facilitating Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)
  • Promotion of internal trade including retail trade, welfare of traders and their employees, and
  • Administration of Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, grant of Industrial Licenses (IL) and acknowledging Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM).
  • Matters related to protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in fields of Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications of Goods and administers Acts, Regulations and Rules made thereunder. 
  • Matters related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and investment by NRIs, and undertakes promotion of investment for industrial development of the country. There are five territorial divisions for international cooperation and industrial promotion handling matters emanating from America, Europe, CIS countries, Africa and Middle East, Asia and Oceania.
  • The Department is responsible for promotion and development of sectors related to Cables, Light Engineering Industries, Light Industries, Light Electrical Engineering Industries, Paper & Newsprint, Tyres & Tubes, Salt, Cement, Ceramics, Tiles & Glass, Leather Goods Soaps & detergents and Industries not covered by other Ministries/Departments.


1. Merger/ Demerger/ Acquisition/ Amalgamation/ Absorption: Resultant entity or entities formed due to merger demerger/ acquisition/ amalgamation/ absorption/will not be recognized as Startup. However, merger or amalgamation under section 233 of the Companies Act, 2013 between any of the following class of companies will be allowed subject to fulfillment of norms of DPIIT Notification by the resultant company: 

i. two or more start-up companies; or 

ii. one or more start-up company with one or more small company 

2. Compromise/ Arrangement: Entities formed due to compromise/ arrangement as provided under the Companies Act, 2013 will not be recognized as Startup. 

3. Conversion: Conversion of an entity from one form to another shall not be a bar for availing recognition subject to the fulfilment of condition provided in sub-section (3) of section 80-IAC of the Income- tax Act, 1961. 

4. Holding including foreign holding, Subsidiary including foreign subsidiary, Joint Ventures, entities incorporated outside territory Indian Territory:

 i. Holding/Subsidiary Companies will not be permitted for recognition. Any startup becoming holding/subsidiary of any company after recognition will be derecognized. 

ii. Any entity formed by Joint Venture will not be recognized. Any Startup entering into any Joint Venture will be derecognized. 

iii. Entities incorporated outside India will be ineligible for recognition. 

iv. Shareholding by Indian promoters in the startup should be at least 51%, as per Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018. 

5. Name Change: Changes in the name of a recognized Startup necessitated under the relevant provisions of the applicable Act will be permitted. The benefits will be applicable starting from the original date of incorporation/registration or commencement of business by the original entity, whichever is earlier. 

6. CIN/LLPIN Change: Changes necessitated in CIN/LLPIN due to 

(a) change in domicile State, or 

(b) due to conversion as in para-3 above, 

(c) change in industry/ sector subject to cancellation of existing certificate, shall be permitted subject to approval obtained as per the relevant act. The benefits will be applicable starting from the original date of incorporation/registration or commencement of business by the original entity, whichever is earlier. 

Changes in CIN/LLPIN for any other reasons will not be permitted.

7. Incorporating additional entities: Incorporating additional entities having similar address with same production line/services and at least one common director/ designated partner/partner will not be recognized as startup. 

8. Common directorship/partnership: Recognition of an entity having common director/designated partner/ partner with any other entity shall be allowed to the extent permissible under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Related party transaction shall not be allowed except transactions on arm’s length basis. 

9. Regulatory Areas: Entities operating in domains specifically prohibited by law shall not be recognized.

10. Sole Proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is not eligible to apply for recognition. If a sole proprietorship changes its type of entity into a type permissible for recognition, then the recognition will be granted from date of commencement of business of the sole proprietorship.


Benefits of DPIIT Registration

The benefits provided to recognized startups under the Startup India initiative are:

1. Self-Certification: Self-certify and comply under 3 Environmental & 6 Labour Laws

2. Tax Exemption: Income Tax exemption for a period of 3 consecutive years and exemption on capital and investments above Fair Market Value

A DPIIT recognized Startup shall be eligible to apply to the Inter-Ministerial Board for full deduction on the profits and gains from business. Provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

a. A private limited company or a limited liability partnership,

b. Incorporated on or after 1st April 2016 but before 31st March 2023, and

Start-up is engaged in innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services or a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.

3. Easy Winding of Company: In 90 days under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016

4. Startup Patent Application & IPR Protection: Fast track patent application with up to 80% rebate in filling patents

5. Easier Public Procurement Norms: Exemption from requirement of earnest money deposit, prior turnover and experience requirements in government tenders

6. SIDBI Fund of Funds: Funds for investment into startups through Alternate Investment Funds

7. Startups shall be allowed to be self-certify compliance for 6 Labour Laws and 3 Environmental Laws through a simple online procedure.

In the case of labour laws, no inspections will be conducted for a period of 5 years. Startups may be inspected only on receipt of credible and verifiable complaint of violation, filed in writing and approved by at least one level senior to the inspecting officer.

In the case of environment laws, startups which fall under the ‘white category’ (as defined by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)) would be able to self-certify compliance and only random checks would be carried out in such cases


Labour Laws:

The Building and Other Constructions Workers’ (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996

The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1979

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

The Contract Labour (Regulation and  Abolition) Act, 1970

The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952   

The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948


Environment Laws:

The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess (Amendment) Act, 2003

The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981


To know more about the benefits under Startup India, visit



Tax Holidays For DPIIT Registered Startups


1. Tax Exemptions under section 80IAC of Income Tax Act

2. Tax Exemptions under Section 56(2)(VIIB) of Income Tax Act


                                                                                                                  What Is 80-IAC ?


Provision - Where the gross total income of an assessee, being an eligible start-up, includes any profits and gains derived from eligible business, there shall, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, be allowed, in computing the total income of the assessee, a deduction of an amount equal to one hundred per cent of the profits and gains derived from such business for three consecutive assessment years, subject to the following conditions:


Conditions to be fulfilled for availing 80-IAC:


  1. The deduction may, at the option of the assessee, be claimed by him for any three consecutive assessment years out of 10 years beginning from the year in which the eligible start-up is incorporated.
  2. It is not formed by splitting up, or the reconstruction, of a business already in existence. Provided that this condition shall not apply in respect of a start-up which is formed as a result of the re-establishment, reconstruction or revival by the assessee of the business of any such undertaking as referred to in section 33B, in the circumstances and within the period specified in that section
  3. It is not formed by the transfer to a new business of machinery or plant previously used for any purpose


Eligibility For 80-IAC


  1. The entity should be a DPIIT recognised startup.
  2. Only Private Limited Companies or Limited Liability Partnerships are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80-IAC.
  3. Incorporated on or after 1st April 2016 but before 31st March 2023.




  • MOA or LLP Deed
  • Board Resolution (if any)
  • Annual Accounts of the startup for last 3 financial year (certified by CA)
  • Income Tax Return of the startup for last 3 financial year (certified by CA)
  • Latest Pitch Deck as per specified guidelines 
  • Startup Video link as per specified guidelines
  • Details of certificate granted under Section 56 of Income-tax Act, 1961 (if any)



                                                                                                          What Is 56(2)(VIIB) Of The Income Tax Act ?


Where a company, not being a company in which the public are substantially interested, receives, in any previous year, from any person being a resident, any consideration for issue of shares that exceeds the face value of such shares, the aggregate consideration received for such shares as exceeds the fair market value of the shares:

Provided that this clause shall not apply where the consideration for issue of shares is received—

(i) by a venture capital undertaking from a venture capital company or a venture capital fund or a specified fund; or

(ii) by a company from a class or classes of persons as may be notified by the Central Government in this behalf




  • Should be a private limited company
  • Not Investing in specified asset classes
  • Startup should not be investing in immovable property, transport vehicles above INR 10 Lakh, Loans and advances, capital contribution to other entities, except in the ordinary course of business

Documents required

  1. Incorporation Certificate
  2. Pan Card of the entity
  3. MOA/AOA, in case of an LLP, LLP Agreement would suffice
  4. Copy of GST Certificate
  5. Copy of Aadhaar Card of the applicant
  6. Declaration of Number of employees on the letter head of the company
  7. MOA & AOA in case of company and Partnership deed in case of LLP / Partnership Firm
  8. List of Directors or Designated partners or members along with their photographs and contact details
  9. URL link of a website and social profile of the entity
  10. URL link of social profile of directors/members/partners
  11. Information related to IPR in the name of the entity If it has registered any IPR or it is in the process of registration
  12. Information related to funds if the entity has availed any fund from investors
  13. DPIIT Certificate (pdf) in case of application is for any specific state and if DIPP has already been taken.
  14. Business Plan Template
  15. Financial Projections
  16. Pitch Deck
  17. Share Holding Certificate of the Partners/Directors


Information required:

Applicant and Application status details

Name of the Applicant

Date of Birth

E-mail Address

Mobile No.

Profession(Choose any1)


LLP/ Company Details

DPIIT Certificate (pdf) in case of application is for any specific state and if DIPP has already been taken.

Incorporation Certificate (pdf)

Copy of PAN Card

Copy of GST Certificate

Copy of Aadhaar Card of the applicant

Address of Registered office



Turnover since Incorporation if any

No. of Employees in the Company except Director/Partner

Declaration of Number of employees on the letter head of the company


Details of all the Partners/ Directors -



Mobile No.

Email id

Social category

Percentage of equity holding

Share Holding Certificate of the Partners/Directors

(In case of an LLP, LLP Agreement would suffice)


Write ups on Final Product/Service/Trade

Describe your idea and startup (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

What problem the startup is trying to solve? (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

What is the Proposed solution? (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

What is the Uniqueness of your idea/startup? (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

Is your startup creating an innovative product / process / service or improving an existing product / process / service ? Please explain (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

What is the Business Model ? (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

What is the revenue model ? (Min. 500 Max. 1000 Characters)

How many Employment the startup proposes to generate in next one year ?

What is the current stage of Startup? 


Other details

Details relating to any filed /applied Patent?

Details of any awards/ recognitions?

Details relating to having received any sort of fundings ?

Has your Startup got incubated in any incubation Centre in India ?


Attachments to be given:

Business Plan Template

Financial Projections

Pitch Deck

