Raise Funds

Financial Model

A Financial Model is detailed analysis and prediction of an organisation’s performance. The historical numbers not only give various analyses, they also point out various variables which are used to build the future projections. For a new entity, Projections are built through various variables designed in consultation with the management. It not only acts as a guiding tool for the management but also is an integral part to convince a prospective Investor to invest in an entity. This document provides complete clarity on how much funds are required, how it shall be used up (for Capex / Opex), what shall be its impact on revenue, profitability and financial health of the organisation.

Complete By* : 10 Apr, 2025

Pricing Summary

Traditional CA/CS Price : ₹ 100,000 /-

Other Online Price : ₹ 75,000 /-

Our Base Price : ₹42,372 /-

Govt. fees & taxes : ₹7,628 /-

You Pay: 50,000/- all inclusive

Government Fee included in above

You Save : ₹25,000 - 50,000 /-

What do you get?

30 Mins free Consultation with an EXPERT

Bringing out the USPs of the Business

Small note on Financials

Financial Model Covering P&L and Bal Sheet for 3 years

Associated Working Statements

Cash Flow Statement

One Free Edit in a window of 45 Days

A Proper Comprehensive PDF Report

Why Should You Choose SeedUp for

making your Financial Model ?


in cost, most economical


completion of assignment


experts guide you to bring clarity in your ideas


professionally crafted business plan with proper coverage of assumptions


A total of 5 diff charts for easy understanding of Investors

What is a Financial Model ?

A Financial Model is detailed analysis and prediction of an organisation’s performance. The historical numbers not only give various analyses, they also point out various variables which are used to build the future projections. For a new entity, Projections are built through various variables designed in consultation with the management. It not only acts as a guiding tool for the management but also is an integral part to convince a prospective Investor to invest in an entity. This document provides complete clarity on how much funds are required, how it shall be used up (for Capex / Opex), what shall be its impact on revenue, profitability and financial health of the organisation. A financial model is the mathematical representation of your organisation’s vision and plans. The model is not only highly required to convince an Investor, it also brings a lot of clarity to the entrepreneur in understanding the important data sets for your company, the important assumptions on which you have drawn your plans and how sensitive these assumptions are and how it will impact you in the life of the Business. As you start building the financial model, it also prepares you for the tough questions the Investors shall be asking from you. The financial model forces you to dig deep into your convictions, challenge them and also find solutions. It's like a Crystal ball, which shows you the good times ahead, but also ensures that you have full clarity on what needs to be done to reach there. 

Documents Required

Company Incorporation Document, including shareholding pattern

Readiness with Historical Numbers (for existing entities)

CAPEX planned for future

Current OPEX and projected OPEX

Key Assumptions basis which plans are being built

* (All documents in Pdf scanned. Image file in jpeg format)

* (All documents to be Self Attested and signed on each page)

Raise Funds

Financial Model

Steps for Financial Model

Detailed introductory discussion with the entrepreneur about the business and his future plans.

Information Checklist to be sent to entrepreneur – requesting information / documents and entrepreneur to arrange for the information / documents as per the Checklist

Draft Financial Model to be shared with the entrepreneur Entrepreneur to review the Financial Model and share his observations

Each observations of entrepreneur to be mutually discussed and then incorporated in the Financial Model

Final version of Financial Model/Business Plan to be shared

Full report on PDF

One more Edit within 45 days if required.

Some General Terms

Financial Model

You will often hear some Terms discussed while building the FInancial Model, we have highlighted them below for your future reference and understanding

Income Statement

This statement highlights the Income and Expenditure Plan for your business, and also referred to as Profit & Loss Account. This covers how much Sales the Business shall generate, the Projected Revenue, estimated expenses and final tally of with Profit or Loss for each financial year or part thereof.

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet is the statement of the Assets & Liabilities of any entity at any given point of time. Whereas the Income statement covers / shows the statement for a period of time, Balance Sheet shows the position at any given point of time. This is very important for the Investors as they want to see and understand how the company will use the funds and how the Balance Sheet shall look like.

Cash Flow

Cash Flow is considered the most important part of a Financial Model. Cash flow highlights the actual movement of cash within the entity and how much cash the entity has been able to generate during any time interval. The entire Valuation is based on the Cash Flow of the Company. It is thus very important to understand this in detail.


Ratios in a Financial Model are used to analyse efficiency with which the entity plans to work. It will encompass comparing with past and historical data and also using Industry Benchmarks to understand how the entity is projecting itself against Industry standards.



  • Most important tool for Internal decision making 
  • Provides much needed blueprint of the business 
  • Brings clarity on cash flow, and how much funds are actually required 
  • All Investors ask this for evaluation of the Business 
  • Basic document for an M&A deal analysis 
  • Helps in comparison of planned vs actual performance 



  • Pre requisite document for fund raising 
  • Required for Various Certifications by Merchant Bankers 
  • Required for Valuation Certificate by Registered Valuers 
  • Completion of initial level study about the opportunity 
  • Required as part of the Pitch Deck