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What is Import Export Code (IEC) Registration ?
Import Export Code is a unique 10 digit code issued by DGFT to a person who is in the business of exporting goods out of India or importing goods into India unless specifically exempt. IEC registration is a permanent registration which is valid for a lifetime. PAN is a prerequisite for grant of an IEC and only one IEC can be issued against a single PAN.
IE Code application is made to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) along with the necessary supporting documents. Once, the application is submitted, DGFT issues the IE Code for the entity in 15 - 20 working days or less.
Incorporation Certificate
Id proof i.e. (Aadhar Card/Driving license/Passport/Voter Card)
Utility Bills (Electricity/ Telephone)
Registered Office documents
Other documents as per entity type
* (All documents in Pdf scanned. Image file in jpeg format)
* (All documents to be Self Attested and signed on each page)
Import Export Code issued by DGFT to a person who is in the business of exporting goods out of India or importing goods into India
Collect information and documents
Register on Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT) portal
Enter the OTPs received on email and mobile number.
Applying for New IEC
Sign the Form
Reply to any queries/clarifications
IEC number generated
Consequent upon introduction of GST, IEC being issued is the same as the PAN of the firm. However, the IEC will still be separately issued by DGFT based on an application. The nature of the firm obtaining an IEC may be any of the follows- Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Limited Company, Trust, HUF, Society.
The Import-Exporter Profile captures important details with respect to the importing or exporting firm as registered with DGFT. The IEC is the primary part of the Profile. In addition to the IEC, details such as RCMC, Industrial Registration Details, Status Holder details, Past Export Performance etc. are captured under this profile.
Print your IEC Certificate containing the Firm Name, Address, IEC Number, Date of Issue and Branch Details. New certificates also contain a unique QR code that can be used to verify the certificate online.
More than one user can be added to a given IEC. Users may be added as primary or secondary users. You may further add permissions for a given user to access each of the respective schemes under DGFT.
Request for online surrender of IEC. The IEC will be suspended for any transactions and will need to be revoked by filing revocation of suspension.
Advance Authorization, DFIA, Norms Fixation and EPCG moduleshave migrated to the new DGFT e-platform. Existing IEC Holders required to link their IEC as soon a spossible to avoid any delay in services after the transition to the new system.
Steps to Link your IEC
1. Register on DGFT Website - Valid Email and Mobile Number Required
2. Login to DGFT Website
3. Click on Link IEC button displayed on the homepage.
4. Enter your IEC by authenticating through Aadhaar based OTP or Digital Signature.
Pre-Requisites for Applying for IEC
IEC may be applied on behalf of a firm which may be a Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Limited Company, Trust, HUF, Society. Firm must have a PAN, bank account in the name of the firm and a valid address before applying. Address may be physically verified by the DGFT on issuance of the IEC. PAN, bank details and firm details have to be kept ready before applying.
Complete Steps of IEC registration
Step 1: Register on Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT) portal
Step 2: Applying for New IEC
Note: User will not be able to continue with application if the Firm’s PAN has already been used for registration of IEC with DGFT. (Either PAN Based IEC or Numeric IEC)
Step 3: Sign the Form
Exemptions from IEC :
The following category of persons are exempted from obtaining an IE Code:
Importer and export by central Government or agencies or undertakings for defence purpose or other specified lists under Foreign Trade (exemption from the application of Rules in certain cases) Order, 1993.
Import or Export of Goods for personal use.
Surrender of IEC :
It can be done by informing the issuing authority about such decision, and they shall immediately cancel your IEC number after electronically transmitting it to DGFT for onward transmission to the Customs and Regional Authorities.
Tax Implication:
No tax levied on IEC code. However, custom duty may be imposed. It depends on the category of the products imported or exported.
IE Code is not a mandatory registration, only importers and exporters of goods or services must have IE Code. Therefore, there is no penalty for not having IE Code; however, import / export will not be possible without an IE Code.
What is the definition of exports under the GST?
Exports of goods means taking goods out of India to a place outside India. (Section 2(5) of IGST Act.)
What categories of supplies have been covered as the Zero rated supplies under the IGST Act?
“Zero rated supply” under Section 16 of the IGST Act, 2017 means any of the following supplies of goods or services or both, namely:
(a) export of goods or services or both; or
(b) supply of goods or services or both to a Special Economic Zone developer or a Special Economic Zone unit.
Can an exporter get exemption from the payment of GST on the export product?
An exporter would get exemption from the payment of GST on the final product and get refund of GST paid on inputs.
What are the GST refund options available to the exporters?
An exporter would be eligible to claim refund under one of the following two options, namely -
(a) He may export under bond, without payment of IGST and claim refund of unutilized input tax credit in;
(b) He may export on payment of IGST and claim refund of IGST paid on goods and services exported.
The SEZ developer or SEZ unit receiving zero rated supply can claim refund of IGST paid by the firm making supply to SEZ.
What is the time line for obtaining refund on the GST paid?
Refund on account of export
I. For 90% of the total amount claimed as refund excluding the amount of input tax credit, provisional refund will be granted within 10 days of making of application or within 7 days of issuance of acknowledgement of the application.
II. Refund of the balance 10% will be granted after verification of documents furnished by the applicant
What type of duties can be paid using MEIS or SEIS scrips now? Can we use these scrips to pay GST?
For items covered under the GST, scrips can be used for payment of Basic Custom Duty, Safeguard Duty, Transitional Product Specific Safeguard Duty, and Antidumping Duty. For items not covered under the GST (specified in Fourth Schedule to Central Excise Act 1944 covering specified petroleum products, tobacco etc.), in addition to the Basic Custom Duty, Safeguard Duty, Transitional Product Specific Safeguard Duty, and Antidumping Duty, scrips can also be used for payment of duties like central excise, CVD/ SAD. The scrips cannot be used for payment of any type of GST.
Where can I find HS code, GST rates for my product?
Please see the following links
I-HS codes https://www.icegate.gov.in/Webappl/Trade-Guide-on-Imports
II-GST rates http://www.cbec.gov.in/resources//htdocs-cbec/gst/chapter-wise-rate-wise-gst-schedule03.06.2017.pdf
III-IGST Rates for Goods http://www.cbec.gov.in/resources//htdocscbec/gst/Notification%20for%20IGST%20rate%20Schedule-1.pdf
Can the EOUs continue to get duty free supplies from the domestic market?
An EOU will have to pay the applicable GST on the import or domestic sourcing of inputs (goods or services).
Will the exemptions, available to 100% EOUs & SEZs in the pre GST regime, continue ?
No change in the operation of the SEZ scheme. SEZs can continue to import raw materials without payment of any duty. Supplies to SEZs would also be treated as Zero rated supplies.
(i) Imports by EOUs
The EOUs will continue to get exemption from payment of the basic Customs Duty, however they will have to pay IGST on imports. On the IGST paid on import of inputs, ITC would be available which can be utilized for payment of GST payable on the goods cleared in the DTA. Refund of the unutilized ITC
can also be claimed under Section 54(3) of CGST Act. The facility of duty free import of capital goods under the Procurement Certificate procedure will not be available. To import capital goods at zero duty, EOUs will have to follow procedure under of the Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017.
(ii) Supplies to EOUs
Suppliers to EOU will pay normal GST as they would pay while supplying to a domestic unit. An EOU can take Input Tax Credit (ITC) of the GST paid while taking domestic supplies and same can be used for payment of GST on finished goods cleared in DTA.
(iii) DTA sale
DTA sale shall be subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:
• fulfillment of positive NFE
• payment of applicable GST on product under DTA sale
• Reversal of the BCD exemption availed on the inputs used in the manufacture of products under DTA sale. The reversal of BCD would be as per Standard Input Output norms published by the DGFT or norms fixed by Norms Committee of DGFT(where no SION is fixed).
• Refund of any benefits taken on procurement of inputs from DTA under Chapter 7 of FTP and used in the manufacture of products under DTA sale.
(iv) Inter Unit Transfers
Supply of goods from one EOU to another EOU (inter-unit transfer) will require payment of applicable GST. The BCD exemption availed on inputs by the supplier EOU, utilized in such transferred goods would have to be reversed by the recipient EOU at the time clearance of such goods in DTA. Same provisions apply on sending of Goods for Job work.
(v) Exempt products
For GST exempt Goods like Petroleum products, the existing provisions provided under notification no. 52/2003-Cus, notification no. 22/2003-CE and Notification no. 23/2003-CE will continue to apply for import, domestic procurement and domestic clearance respectively.
How to update GST number in IEC?
There is no need to update or incorporate the GSTIN in the IEC.However, it is informed that all IECs issued with effect from 1.07.2017, would reflect PAN as IEC.
Under GST regime, can we get duty free benefit (all duties exempted) if we import using Advance authorization or EPCG?
Under GST regime, both the Advance Authorization and EPCG holders would continue to get the exemption from payment of the Basic Customs Duty, Safeguard Duty, Transitional Product Specific Safeguard Duty, and Antidumping Duty. And for items specified in Fourth Schedule to Central Excise Act 1944 (specified petroleum products, tobacco etc.) exemption from Additional C Duty leviable under Sections 3(1), 3(3) and 3(5) of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 will also be available.
However there is one major change. Now an Advance Authorisation holder will have to pay IGST at the time of imports. He can take input Tax Credit (ITC), and after export, claim refund of any unutilized input tax credit at the end of tax period.
The EPCG holder also will have to pay IGST at the time of imports and take input Tax Credit (ITC) on the duty paid. He cannot claim refund of any unutilized input tax credit after the exports.
Will Invalidation and ARO be available under Advance Authorisation or EPCG scheme post GST implementation?
for items covered under the GST, No Advance Release Order (ARO) facility will be available in Advance Authorisation and EPCG scheme.
For items not covered under the GST (Listed in the Schedule 4 of Central Excise Act, 1944 read with The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act 2017 No 18 of 2017, with effect from July 1, 2017) ARO would be available.
Invalidation facility will be available for both Advance Authorisation and EPCG schemes, but applicable GST would need to be paid while making local procurement, using an invalidation letter. Input Tax Credit (ITC) of the GST paid on such local procurement can be availed as per CGST Rules 2017. Please also refer to DGFT Trade Notice No.11/2018 dated 30.06.2017.
Do we need to register for VAT?
You need to register only with GSTN and obtain GSTIN.
Is cess on customs duty to be paid on imports under GST regime?
Education cess and Compensation cess would be applicable on imports
Will IGST be refunded for Capital Goods imported under EPCG scheme?
The EPCG holder also will have to pay IGST at the time of imports and take input Tax Credit (ITC) on the duty paid. He cannot claim refund of any unutilized input tax credit after the exports.
Will Deemed export drawback and TED refund be available under GST regime for deemed exports?
The following provisions would apply under the GST regime for the deemed exports in relation to the refund of the Terminal Excise Duty (TED) and Drawback (DBK).
1. No TED refund would be available as the central excise duty is subsumed under the GST. However, for the items covered under Schedule four of Central Excise Act, 1944, the TED refund would be available, provided the items are eligible for supply under the said category of the deemed exports under chapter 7 of the FTP, and there is no exemption from payment of excise duty.
2. The drawback as provided under Chapter 7 would be limited to the refund of basic custom duty only.
Whether balance import quantities under Advance Authorisations issued before 01.07.2017 can be utilised after 01.07.2017? And, will there be any implications on export obligation?
The balance import quantities under Advance Authorisations can be utilised for duty free import but only Basic Customs Duty will be exempted on import after 01.07.2017. The applicable IGST will be required to be paid. There will be no implication on export obligation of Advance Authorisations.
Whether balance import quantities under EPCG issued before 01.07.2017 can be utilised after 01.07.2017? And, will there be any implications on export obligation?
The balance import quantities under EPCG can be utilised for duty free import but only Customs Duties will be exempted on import after 01.07.2017. The applicable IGST will be required to be paid. Since the export obligation is based on actual duty saved amount, the EO will be accordingly adjusted.
In the IGST regime, whether a separate IEC number would be allotted to each regional office?
Documents required for registration
Partnership Firm/LLP